Posts by Collection


Preventive Socialization from Zero Years


Recommended citation:

Schubert, T., & Morlà, T. (2014). ISA 2014. RC53 Roundtable. Facing an Unequal World - Challenges for Childhood within a Global Sociology. Preventive Socialization from Zero Years.(13-19 juliol, 2014, Yokohama)

Multiculturalism and Ethic minorities


Recommended citation:

Morlà, T., & Gairal, R. (2015). CIMIE. Multiculturalism and Ethic minorities. Madres musulmanas en las tertulias literarias dialógicas: apoderamiento y aumento de las interacciones educatives (2-3 juliol, Valencia)

Research Excellence and Higher Education Teaching


Recommended citation:

Morlà, T. (2016). CIMIE 2016. Research Excellence and Higher Education Teaching. Creatividad y Educación: El Caso De Los Estudios De Arquitectura. (30 juny– 2 juliol, Sevilla)

Romper el silencio. Juntas y con apoyo, sola imposible.


Recommended citation:

Morlà, T., & Joanpere, M. (2018). Congreso “Mujeres y universidad sin cifras. La violencia invisible. Romper el silencio. Juntas y con apoyo, sola imposible. (21-23 noviembre, Valencia)

Mujeres gitanas liderando el cambio


Recommended citation:

Redondo, G., Morlà-Folch, T., & Aiello, E. (2023). CICFEM. Mujeres gitanas liderando el cambio. (3-4 Març Valencia)

Dones gitanes i liderage públic


Recommended citation:

Aiello, E., & Morlà-Folch, T. (2023). ACS 2023. Dones gitanes i liderage públic (12-14 de juliol. Barcelona)


Comunidades de Aprendizaje, un Sueño que hace más de 35 años que Transforma Realidades

Learning Communities began over 35 years ago. In this article, the history of this movement is analyzed with the goal of understanding its evolution, the keys to its growth and success from a historical perspective, focusing on the overcoming of difficulties that this movement have found.

Recommended citation:

Morlà, T. (2015). Comunidades de Aprendizaje, un Sueño que hace más de 35 años que Transforma Realidades. Social and Education History, 4(2), 137-162.

Open Access Dreams of Higher Education in the Mediterrani School through Family Education

Through Learning Communities, schools and their communities may play a key role in overcoming inequalities suffered by vulnerable populations. Learning Communities implement Successful Educational Actions (SEAs), one of which is Family Education.

Recommended citation:

Garcia-Yeste, C.; Morlà Folch, T., & Ionescu, V. (2018). Dreams of Higher Education in the Mediterrani School through Family Education. Frontiers in Education, 3(79), 1-11.

Open Access Habilidades didácticas de los profesores y creatividad en la educación superior. Experiencia en una universidad mexicana.

El objetivo del estudio es analizar los obstáculos que afronta el profesorado universitario para la enseñanza de la creatividad, y concretar actuaciones educativas que superan estos obstáculos. Se presenta un estudio de caso en dos licenciaturas: Arquitectura y Biotecnología, en una universidad pública mexicana.

Recommended citation:

Morlà Folch, T., Eudave Muñoz, D., & Brunet Icart, I. (2018). Habilidades didácticas de los profesores y creatividad en la educación superior. Experiencia en una universidad mexicana. Perfiles Educativos, 40(162), 100-116.

Liderazgo Creador de Nuevas Realidades: Respuestas Cooperativas a los Desafíos de la Vivienda

Cooperative housing of different types has been established in many countries; however, in Spain it is still a recent initiative. Given this reality, this research focuses on the role of leadership in cooperative housing in Catalonia, as well as on the democratic and innovative capacity within it.

Recommended citation:

Joanpere, M. & Morlà, T. (2018). Liderazgo Creador de Nuevas Realidades. Respuestas Cooperativas a los Desafíos de la Vivienda. Revista Internacional de las Organizaciones, 21., 127-147.

Nuevas Masculinidades Alternativas, la lucha con y por el feminismo en el contexto universitario

The participation of men in the feminist movement and the solidarity struggle with victims has been repeatedly questioned by both sexes, as well as their contributions and their solidarity with women.

Recommended citation:

Joanpere, M., & Morlà, T. (2019). Nuevas Masculinidades Alternativas, la lucha con y por el feminismo en el contexto universitario. Masculinities and Social Change, 8(1), 42-63.

Aspectos Espaciales de la Creatividad y la Innovación

This article has three aims: to present the historical context in which the concept of creative cities emerges, to describe the impact of cities on strengthening the financial element in the so-called post-fordist economy, and to situate the role of these cities in corporative global capitalism, which appears as globalization. Based on these objectives, the article develops the theoretical background of the concept of creative cities, which are part of what economic geography calls regional innovation systems. The results highlight the importance of spatial aspects of creativity and innovation in the current economic framework.

Recommended citation:

Morlà, T. & Brunet, I. (2019). Aspectos Espaciales de la Creatividad y la Innovación. Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, XIX(60), 1-24.

Exploring the Creative Process in Architecture Students and Professionals

The tacit nature of the creative process in architecture is elicited through interviews. Preparation, Ideation and Evaluation are the three stages of the creative process in architecture. Facilitating and inhibiting factors in each of the stages are identified.

Recommended citation:

Morlà, T., Cascón-Pereira, R. & Brunet, I. (2019). Exploring the Creative Process in Architecture Students and Professionals. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 34., 100608.

Open Access Promoting Creativity in the Cooperative Work Environment: A Case Study of the Lacol Cooperative

In this study we aim to explore the processes, practices, and other organizational characteristics that define the creative dynamics in cooperatives.

Recommended citation:

Morlà, T., Joanpere, M. & Papaoikonomou, E. (2019). Promoting Creativity in the Cooperative Work Environment: A Case Study of the Lacol Cooperative. The Qualitative Report, 24(11), 2722-2746.

Creación social y liderazgo. Nuevos retos, nuevos modelos organizativo

Este libro sobre investigación y docencia en Comunicación y Sociología de las Organizaciones presenta investigaciones y propuestas docentes en relación con la innovación y los retos que supone la docencia en dichas materias sociológicas y de comunicación y la propia investigación en ciencias sociales. Este libro cuenta con el apoyo del Comité de Investigación 15 de la Federación Española de Sociología (FES), la Asociación Iberoamericana de investigación en Sociología de las Organizaciones y de la Comunicación (AISOC), integrada en la Asociación Internacional de Sociología (ISA), y el Grupo de Estudios Sociedad, Salud, Educación y Cultura (GESEC). Este es un libro riguroso y pertinente en los ámbitos de la docencia e investigación de la Sociología de las Organizaciones y la Comunicación, que va a ocupar un lugar reconocido por su interés en la innovación y los retos en las organizaciones. Presenta una estructura equilibrada entre capítulos más teóricos con otros más empíricos y prácticos, fruto de la investigación en la docencia, la reflexión y el debate consiguiente en Ciencias Sociales.

Recommended citation:

Joanpere, M., Morlà-Folch, T., Brunet, I. & Mara, L.C. (2020). “Creación social y liderazgo. Nuevos retos, nuevos modelos organizativo”. pp.93-106. In F. Molina-Luque; K. Del Orbe; P. Sanvicen-Torné (Eds.) Investigación y docencia en comunicación y sociología de las organizaciones. Espai/temps. ISBN: 978-84-9144-227-1

Éxito formativo de los estudiantes desde la administración pública. El caso de la red de centros de innovación y formación ocupacional en Cataluña

The 21st century has erupted with major technological changes that have produced profound social and economic changes. In this context it is also claimed from the realm of education and training to adapt to current needs and to accompany people throughout their life, from the perspective of lifelong learning. This article aims to analyse the successful training strategies of the network of Centres for Innovation and Occupational Training (CIFO), a network that belongs to the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the positive impacts that it has on the professional life of its students. For this purpose, the results of an online survey in which 282 students from the eight centres that make up the network were analysed qualitatively. The results shed light on a series of positive actions and impacts that the students highlighted. Finally, the conclusions reflect on the importance of this study guided by the perspective of social impact measurement.

Recommended citation:

Mara, L.C., Brunet, I., Joanpere, M., & Morlà-Folch, T. (2020).  “Éxito formativo de los estudiantes desde la administración pública. El caso de la red de centros de innovación y formación ocupacional en Cataluña”. pp.67-89. In F. Molina-Luque; K. Del Orbe; P. Sanvicen-Torné (Eds.) Investigación y docencia en comunicación. Espai/temps. ISBN: 978-84-9144-227-1

Muslim Women Wearing the Niqab in Spain: Dialogues Around Discrimination, Identity and Freedom

The niqab provokes a heated debate in European societies and generates intolerance towards women who wear it. Some of the explanations used to criticize this Muslim garment refer to the idea that women wear the niqab as a form of patriarchal oppression. Furthermore—especially after the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Islamic extremists—the niqab is seen as a symbol of religious radicalization. We carried out 10 communicative daily life stories with Muslim women wearing the niqab in Spain, to explore the adverse experiences that they face, as well as the ways to transform them. Our analysis, informed by a communicative approach, revealed different forms of discrimination, such as prejudice, personal attacks and social isolation. Furthermore, it revealed some opportunities to transform these experiences, through the equality of differences, the egalitarian dialogue, and the support of faith-based organizations. Ultimately, our findings illustrated participants’ persistent defense of their right to express their religious identity.

Recommended citation:

Garcia Yeste, C., El Miri, O., Álvarez, P., & Morla, T. (2020). Muslim Women Wearing the Niqab in Spain: Dialogues Around Discrimination, Identity and Freedom. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 75., 95-100.

Open Access Transforming Rural Education in Colombia through Family Participation: The Case of School as a Learning Community

Purpose: This article studies the impact of the implementation of learning communities in a rural context of Colombia, specifically concerning the improvements related to learning and social cohesion.

Recommended citation:

Soler, M., Morlà-Folch, T., García-Carrión, R., & Valls, R. (2020). Transforming Rural Education in Colombia through Family Participation: The Case of School as a Learning Community. Journal of Social Science Education, 4., 67-80.

Impact of the Extension of Learning Time on the Learning Space of the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages Tarragona

Housing became a social problem in Spain after the beginning of the economic crisis in 2008, affecting not only adults but also children, and as we discuss here, their learning process due to their difficult situation. Thus, in this article we analyse the case of the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages in Tarragona, which chose to organise a unique learning space in January 2017 where children could do their homework and receive support in preparing for exams while their parents participated in the assembly. More specific, we analyse the impact of a Successful Education Action, the Extension of Learning Time, on the educational reinforcement of children who participated in the PAH Tarragona learning space. Six children were interviewed (for 3 of them, this was the second school year they participated in the programme, and, for the other 3, this was their first school year), and communicative observations were conducted for 13 months. Moreover, two discussion groups with parents were carried out. The results show how children give meaning to their learning and transform their educational expectations with the Extension of Learning Time, along with participating in quality learning activities in a dialogic environment.

Recommended citation:

Morlà-Folch, T., Ríos González, O., Mara, L.C., & García Yeste, C. (2020). Impact of the Extension of Learning Time on the Learning Space of the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages Tarragona. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 24.

Open Access Impact Assessment in Psychological Research and Communicative Methodology

Recent advancements in the social impact assessment of science have shown the diverse methodologies being developed to monitor and evaluate the improvements for society as a result of research. These assessment methods include indicators to gather both quantitative and qualitative evidence of the social impact of science achieved in the short, medium, and long terms.

Recommended citation:

Díez-Palomar, J.; Campdepadrós, R., & Morla, T. (2020). Impact Assessment in Psychological Research and Communicative Methodology. Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers in Psychology.

Creative Friendship and Political Diversity in Catalonia

The atmosphere of political confrontation in Catalonia has recently had a considerable impact in WhatsApp groups analyzed within the framework of the IMPACT-EV (Evaluating the impact and outcomes of EU SSH research) project (FP7). We developed a classification of four impacts. (a) In most cases where pro-independence supporters and Spanish nationalists have participated in WhatsApp groups, conversations about Catalan independence have broken groups up due to the groups being deleted, someone being removed, or someone leaving the group. (b) Most groups that have agreed to not speak about the issue have continued without conflict. (c) Groups that have been maintained have survived because their members hold the same political position. (d) Only some groups have persisted despite discussing the topic due to a respect for differing political positions. In this article, we analyze this reality from the conversations of different WhatsApp groups, and by employing the communicative methodology of research, we identify a predominance of links of instrumental friendship in Typology a and links of democratic friendship in Typology d.

Recommended citation:

Garcia Yeste, C., Joanpere, M., Rios, O., & Morla, T. (2020). Creative Friendship and Political Diversity in Catalonia. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Inclusivity, Participation and Collaboration: Learning in Interactive Groups

Background: Interaction, participation and collaboration are thought to be important factors for supporting successful second or foreign language learning. The use of Interactive Groups (IGs) is regarded as helpful in creating the conditions in which interaction, participation and collaboration are increased to create effective dialogic learning. However, there is limited understanding of the role of IGs in supporting second or foreign language learning.

Recommended citation:

Zubiri-Esnaola, H., Vidu, A., Rios-Gonzalez, O., & Morla-Folch, T. (2020). Inclusivity, Participation and Collaboration: Learning in Interactive Groups. Educational Research.

The Role of the Democratic Organisation in the La Borda Housing Cooperative in Spain

Grassroots initiatives have emerged in Spain demanding the right to decent housing. La Borda offers an alternative to free market dynamics. Its democratic organization has promoted the project’s success. Residents’ involvement increased their capacities, leadership and bonds.

Recommended citation:

Girbés-Peco, S., Joanpere, M., Mara, L., & Morla-Folch, T. (2020). The Role of the Democratic Organisation in the La Borda Housing Cooperative in Spain. Habitat International, 102..

WIEGO: Communicative Daily Life Stories to Assess Social Impact in the Lives of Informal Workers

WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing) is a global research-policy network that seeks to improve the status of the working poor, especially women, in the informal economy. The members of this network are individual researchers, individual development practitioners, and organizations of informal workers, which total more than 175 affiliates in 85 countries. Social researchers involved in the network conducted qualitative fieldwork in these communities and monitor the social impact of research. The researchers created spaces for dialogue and collected workers’ impact stories through diverse qualitative tools and in different contexts, especially narratives and focus groups. The aim was to increase the visibility of informal workers, their living and working conditions, and their personal experience with regard to the social impact of urban policies. Through communicative daily life stories to social researchers working at WIEGO, this article analyzes how they are socially impacting the lives of informal workers. Based on this connection, all information related to social impact is interpreted through a communicative approach, connecting the stories of the social researchers and the interpretation of informal workers’ lives to evidence-based actions.

Recommended citation:

Tellado, I., Lepori, B., & Morla-Folch, T. (2020). WIEGO: Communicative Daily Life Stories to Assess Social Impact in the Lives of Informal Workers. Qualitative Inquiry.

Overcoming gender violence in Roma community

Recommended citation:

Teresa Sordé (coordinator), Amador, J., & Morlà-Folch, T. (2020). Superació de la violencia de gènere en el poble gitano [Overcoming gender violence in Roma community]. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Improving Students’ Academic Performance and Reducing Conflicts through Family Involvement in Primary School Learning Activities: A Mexican Case Study

Research shows that family involvement in learning activities at school improves students’ academic performance and social cohesion. This study analyses the impact of involving families through interactive groups, dialogic literary gatherings and tutored library in a Mexican primary school in a highly underprivileged urban area, within the framework of the Schools as Learning Communities (SaLeaCom), project in Latin America. Using communicative methodology, data were collected through interviews (school principal and members of the non-profit Vía Educación which manages the project locally), focus groups (mothers, teachers and students), observations in classes, internal school reports and the comparative results of the national 2015 and 2018 standardised tests. Results show a drastic improvement in academic performance, surpassing the national average in mathematics and language by 15% and 5% respectively, and reducing conflicts in 61%. This provides evidence of how academic success and social cohesion are possible in a Mexican school like the one studied.

Recommended citation:

Rodriguez-Oramas, A.; Morla-Folch, T.; Vieites Casado, M. & Ruiz-Eugenio, L. (2021). Improving Students' Academic Performance and Reducing Conflicts through Family Involvement in Primary School Learning Activities: A Mexican Case Study. Cambridge Journal of Education, 52(2), 235-254.

Open Access Create Solidarity Networks: Dialogs in Reddit to Overcome Depression and Suicidal Ideation among Males

The emerging scientific literature examines masculinity and gender roles as risk factors for suicide ideation or suicide in young adults and adolescents. In this vein, recent studies show that certain traditional masculine norms are related to poorer mental health-related outcomes, which influences suicide and suicide ideation. This study contributes with new understandings about the associations between masculinity and suicidal ideation among males through Reddit debates in English. The posts with more interactions referring to masculinity in the topics gender and education have been selected on Reddit, emphasizing transformative personal experiences potentially helping avoid suicide ideation. Through the analysis of Reddit posts, it is shown how users can generate spaces to express the diverse ways to live with masculinity. The discussions on Reddit in the different areas selected demonstrate the existence of proposals on how to overcome fears and facilitate relaxation of norms regarding self-reliance to encourage help-seeking when feeling depressed and therefore at greater risk of suicide ideation. The results highlight the potential importance of platforms such as Reddit to create solidarity networks, showing multiple ways of being a man and demystifying dominant masculinity by sharing different experiences.

Recommended citation:

Redondo-Sama, G., Morlà-Folch, T., Burgués, A., Amador, J,, & Magaraggia,S. (2021). Create Solidarity Networks: Dialogs in Reddit to Overcome Depression and Suicidal Ideation among Males. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11927.

Open Access The Mondragon Case: Companies Addressing Social Impact and Dialogic Methodologies

Mondragon Cooperative (MC) is one of the most outstanding examples of worker cooperatives in history. It has maintained its cooperative values along its trajectory, being competitive in the international market since 1956, under the motto: ‘Humanity at work’. Recently, scientific research has focused on impact, which has led to the emergence of the Successful Cooperative Actions (SCAs)

Recommended citation:

Morlà-Folch, Aubert, A., Burgués de Freitas, A., & Hernández-Lara, A.B. (2021). The Mondragon Case: Companies Addressing Social Impact and Dialogic Methodologies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20., 1-9.

A Research Synthesis of the Impacts of Successful Educational Actions on Student Outcome

Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) are school-based initiatives oriented to provide high-quality education for all students. Identified by the INCLUD-ED research project, SEAs have been implemented in schools in different countries and researchers have studied their implementation and the impacts achieved. We undertook a review and synthesis of research findings on the implementation of SEAs with three aims. First, identify different types of impacts on students (3–12 years), second, offer a unified and comprehensive framework, and thirdly, provide suggestions for further research. We identified 63 studies that met our inclusion criteria and were coded descriptively. The findings documented in our reviewed studies accounted for impacts on the individual level, comprising (1) students’ instrumental learning and 2) self-esteem and motivation; on the group level, involving (3) enhancement of interpersonal relationships and (4) cohesion and conflict reduction; and on the community level, comprising (5) family involvement and change towards school and (6) absenteeism reduction. The synthesis concludes with a discussion of the implications of those findings and further research suggestions.

Recommended citation:

Morlà-Folch, T., Renta, A.I, Padrós, M. & Valls, R. (2022). A research synthesis of the impacts of successful educational actions on student outcome. Educational Research Review.

What Can We Learn from the Street-Level Bureaucracy Approach Regarding Gender-Based Violence Support Services During the COVID-19 Lockdown Crisis?

The COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic brought a new reality and created several complications and challenges for professionals working in gender-based violence (GBV) support networks. A gap has been found in the literature in terms of evidence on how best to operate GBV intervention and support services in times of crisis. Given this reality, this article analyses the situation caused by the pandemic, raising and highlighting relevant implications for the impact on the quality of the services provided, and emphasizing the concept of street-level bureaucracy in the face of the new reality. The article highlights how professionals are currently coping, making decisions, and adapting their ways of working. The literature review offers relevant conclusions on how to improve preparedness and prevention plans in support services for victims of violence in future crises.

Recommended citation:

Andraszak, J.; Alarcón, A. & Morlà-Folch, T. (2023). What Can We Learn from the Street-Level Bureaucracy Approach Regarding Gender-Based Violence Support Services During the COVID-19 Lockdown Crisis? Violence and Gender.

Open Access Feudalism, Meritocracy and Sexual Harassment

Scientific literature has clarified that the contexts of more intense power relations favor sexual harassment and impunity. This article presents the results of a research that has analyzed a legislation aimed at combating sexual harassment that preceded six months earlier the selection and evaluation of faculty

Recommended citation:

Bordanoba-Gallego, L.; Serradell, O.; Morlà-Folch, T.; Ruiz-Eugenio, L. & Pulido, C. (2023). Feudalism, Meritocracy and Sexual Harassment. Social and Education History, 12(2)

Open Access Impacting life expectancies of incarcerated people through dialogic scientific gatherings and dialogic scientific workshops in prisons

The scientific literature has presented evidence that participants in dialogic scientific gatherings (DSGs) transform their scientific interest in science. DSGs are based on a dialogical perspective, where egalitarian dialogue and the co-creation of knowledge are the two corner pieces that allow the development of new meanings for participants, improving their scientific literacy. There is a clear gap in scientific studies regarding DSGs in prison. This is the first research to address the impact of DSG and dialogic scientific workshops in prisons. The study presents the positive impact of the DSGs and scientific activities in promoting scientific interest in incarcerated people.

Recommended citation:

Novo-Molinero, MT., Morla-Folch, T., Esteller, L.J. et al. (2024). Impacting life expectancies of incarcerated people through dialogic scientific gatherings and dialogic scientific workshops in prisons. Humanities & Social Science Communication, 11(354)


Business Sociology

Degree in Business Administration and Management, University, Department of Business, 2015-2016

Quality Management

Degree in Labor Relations and Employment, University, Department of Labor Relations, 2017-2018

Management Skills

Master's course in Human Resources Management/Digital Marketing, UOC, Department of Management, 2020-2021

Sociological Theory

Undergraduate and Master's course, University, Department of Sociology, 2022-2023