Éxito formativo de los estudiantes desde la administración pública. El caso de la red de centros de innovación y formación ocupacional en Cataluña

The 21st century has erupted with major technological changes that have produced profound social and economic changes. In this context it is also claimed from the realm of education and training to adapt to current needs and to accompany people throughout their life, from the perspective of lifelong learning. This article aims to analyse the successful training strategies of the network of Centres for Innovation and Occupational Training (CIFO), a network that belongs to the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the positive impacts that it has on the professional life of its students. For this purpose, the results of an online survey in which 282 students from the eight centres that make up the network were analysed qualitatively. The results shed light on a series of positive actions and impacts that the students highlighted. Finally, the conclusions reflect on the importance of this study guided by the perspective of social impact measurement.

Recommended citation:

Mara, L.C., Brunet, I., Joanpere, M., & Morlà-Folch, T. (2020).  “Éxito formativo de los estudiantes desde la administración pública. El caso de la red de centros de innovación y formación ocupacional en Cataluña”. pp.67-89. In F. Molina-Luque; K. Del Orbe; P. Sanvicen-Torné (Eds.) Investigación y docencia en comunicación. Espai/temps. ISBN: 978-84-9144-227-1